Wellbeing Webinar: Optimizing Stress to Maximize Engagement: A Guide to Better Decision Making for Prosecutors

Includes a Live Web Event on 06/10/2025 at 2:00 PM (EDT)


Live Webinar: Wellbeing Webinar: “Optimizing Stress to Maximize Engagement: A Guide to Better Decision Making for Prosecutors” 

June 10, 2025 

2:00 - 3:00 pm EST

60-minute presentation 

Compassion fatigue, Burnout and Secondary Trauma Stress can all impact the way we make decisions and the quality of our work.  This webinar will focus on the direct connection between the quality of justice we deliver and our well-being.


Members: Free for NDAA Members
Non-Member: $100

If you would like to become a member, please join here!


NDAA’s mission to serve and support prosecutors and their staff. In consideration of this commitment, NDAA requires that all those in attendance of our programs currently work in or work closely with prosecution: NDAA invites prosecutors, lawyers and paralegals in local, state, tribal, federal and military government attorneys’ offices. If you are not sure about your eligibility, please contact training@ndaajustice.org.


Please contact training@ndaajustice.org.

John Hollway

Associate Dean at Penn Carey Law School and teacher of Positive Psychology in Legal Practice

Penn Carey Law School

John F. Hollway is a Senior Fellow at Penn’s Positive Psychology Center and Associate Dean and Executive Director of the Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School.  His research helps organizations and individuals confront challenges and turn negative occurrences into opportunities for quality improvement.  He is a frequent consultant to legal organizations of all types on how to design careers of thriving in the law, and to criminal justice agencies and corporations on issues of quality improvement and measurement. John is the author of numerous publications, including Killing Time: An 18-Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom, winner of the National Independent Book Award for non-fiction in 2011, and one of the Chicago Sun-Times’ Best Books of the Year.

Continuing Legal Education Credits: 1.00 hour

Continuing Legal Education Credits: 1.00-hour. NDAA will apply for CLE credit in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia based on state requirements and guidelines. All other attorneys seeking CLE credit should contact their state bar for more information. At the conclusion of the course and after completion of the electronic evaluation survey, all attendees will receive a uniform continuing education certificate that they may use to report their continuing education hours to their state bar or reporting agency. Questions regarding CLE can be directed to CLE@ndaajustice.org.


Wellbeing Webinar: Optimizing Stress to Maximize Engagement: A Guide to Better Decision Making for Prosecutors
06/10/2025 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
06/10/2025 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
9 Questions
CLE Certificate of Attendance
1.00 General credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 General credit  |  Certificate available