Wellbeing Webinar: Be Well to Serve Well (On-Demand)


Wellbeing Webinar: Be Well to Serve Well 

60-minutes (On-Demand)

This webinar will focus on how wellbeing directly impacts our ability to be effective prosecutors and how offices can build a culture that promotes wellbeing through program development.


Members: Free for NDAA Members
Non-Member: $100

If you would like to become a member, please join here!


NDAA’s mission to serve and support prosecutors and their staff. In consideration of this commitment, NDAA requires that all those in attendance of our programs currently work in or work closely with prosecution: NDAA invites prosecutors, lawyers and paralegals in local, state, tribal, federal and military government attorneys’ offices. If you are not sure about your eligibility, please contact training@ndaajustice.org.


Please contact training@ndaajustice.org.

Tracy Prior

Chief Deputy District Attorney

San Diego County District Attorney’s Office

Chief Deputy District Attorney Prior has worked as a prosecutor for over 28 years trying over 75 cases to verdict including murder, child sexual assault, rape and domestic violence cases.  In her current role she oversees multiple divisions including the Victim Services Division and the Family Protection Division of the San Diego District Attorney’s Office.  She was key in developing and launching the One Safe Place North, a family justice center.   Chief Deputy Prior received the NDAA “President’s Award” for her work in child abuse as well as the lifetime achievement award from the San Diego Domestic Violence Council and was honored as the Public Sector Attorney by the San Diego County Bar Association.

Continuing Legal Education Credits: 1.00

Continuing Legal Education Credits: This course has been approved for 1.00 credit hour in Tennesse and Pennsylvania. NDAA is not responsible for accrediting or reporting CLE credits for this on-demand webinar to the remaining states. Members are responsible for ensuring their state accepts self-applications for self-study CLE credits. 

At some point during this presentation, a CLE verification poll will be launched; please make note of the verification code. You will be asked to provide the code prior to receiving the CLE Uniform Certificate of Attendance. We will save the results if state bar associations need proof of participation. 

Upon completion of your on-demand course, you will be able to access a CLE Uniform Certificate of Attendance for the recording. If your state accepts self-study credits, you can submit this certificate directly to your state bar. NDAA does not accredit recorded content or report on-demand CLE for this webinar outside of the states listed. 

Attendees must self-submit this course for approval in their home state. All attorneys are responsible for any fees associated with CLE filing. Attorneys seeking CLE credit should contact their state bar associations for more information. General questions or additional information regarding CLE credit can be directed to cle@ndaajustice.org.


Wellbeing Webinar: Be Well to Serve Well
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
9 Questions
CLE Certificate of Attendance
1.00 General credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 General credit  |  Certificate available