Red Light, Green Light – Ethical Plea Negotiations (On-Demand)
Recorded On: 03/14/2024
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On-Demand Webinar: Red Light, Green Light – Ethical Plea Negotiations
75-minute presentation
Just like the childhood game “Red Light, Green Light,” there are red and green lights that come up during plea negotiations, and there are yellow lights that caution us to “think more about it.” In this 90-minute webinar, Assistant District Attorney Sarah Moore, will explore the red lights, green lights, and best practices in ethical plea negotiations, as well as strategies to help navigate the yellow lights. Attendees will also learn about the ethical obligations of defense counsel to help support a better understanding of all aspects of plea negotiations, including the importance of creating and preserving the court record. The Rules of Professional Conduct, case law, and real case examples will help provide context for discussion.
Members: $100
Non-members: $125
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NDAA’s mission to serve and support prosecutors and their staff. In consideration of this commitment, NDAA requires that all those in attendance of our programs currently work in or work closely with prosecution: NDAA invites prosecutors, lawyers and paralegals in local, state, tribal, federal and military government attorneys’ offices. If you are not sure about your eligibility, please contact training@ndaajustice.org.
Please contact training@ndaajustice.org.

Sarah Moore
Assistant District Attorney
Williamson County District Attorney’s Office
Sarah Moore currently serves as an Assistant District Attorney for the Williamson County District Attorney’s Office. After a ten-year career as executive management in the hotel industry, she graduated from St. Mary’s University School of Law in December 2008. From 2006 to present, Sarah has practiced in Travis, Williamson, El Paso, Ector, Dawson, Gaines, Lynn and Garza counties either as a prosecutor or as a solo practitioner (or both). She was the 2020 recipient of the TDCAA Lone Star Prosecutor award for her work in protecting the rights of victims, was inducted into the Texas Prosecutor Society in 2022, is a member of the Texas Bar College, and continues to be a regular speaker at statewide conferences and trainings for law enforcement and attorneys alike. She enjoys spending time with her four children, running for charities that resonate with her passions, and one day hopes to add “traveled the world” to her resume.
This course was originally recorded on March 14, 2024.
This course has been approved for 1.25 credits in Illinois; 1.25 Ethics in Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Virginia; 1.5 credits in Pennsylvania; 1.5 Dual credits in Tennessee; 1.5 Ethics Credits in Mississippi. All other attorneys seeking self-study CLE credit should contact their state bar for more information. General questions or additional information regarding CLE credit can be directed to cle@ndaajustice.org.
Members are responsible for ensuring their state accepts self-applications for self-study CLE credits.
At some point during this presentation, a CLE verification poll will be launched; please make note of the verification code. You will be asked to provide the code prior to receiving the CLE Uniform Certificate of Attendance. We will save the results if state bar associations need proof of participation.