Investigation and Prosecution of Drug-Impaired Driving Cases
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On-Demand Webinar: Investigation and Prosecution of Drug-Impaired Driving Cases
180-Minute Presentation
CLE: 3.00 Credit Hours
Cost: Free
Impaired driving is illegal, extremely dangerous, and has life altering consequences. Impairment is impairment, regardless of the substance causing the impairment. It does not matter what type of drug a person has taken: licit, illicit, or even if that drug is properly prescribed or purchased over-the-counter; the risk of death or serious injury is the same.
The detection and prosecution of drug-impaired driving cases requires specialized knowledge and skill to combat the unique challenges and defenses presented. An officer or a prosecutor willing to take on this difficult task can keep drug-impaired drivers off of the roadways, thereby preventing unnecessary deaths and injuries and positively impacting public safety.
This Course is designed to assist prosecutors in honing the skills required to properly prosecute a drug-impaired driving case. A prosecutor participating in this Drug-Impaired Driving online training will learn the following:
- What a drug is and what kinds of drugs can cause impairment. Although the definition of “drug” may vary by State statute, participants will learn about over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, and what polydrug-use is.
- How to decipher a toxicology report and the kind of information about which a toxicologist may testify and about which he/she cannot.
- How a law enforcement officer fully and properly investigates a drug-impaired driving case, what the Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Program is, and how a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) may be utilized during a drug-impaired driving investigation.
- Some of the unique challenges and defenses posed to a drug-impaired driving prosecutor and how to best handle those challenges and defenses.
- Suggestions on how to select jurors for a drug-impaired driving case.
Attendees should check the CLE tab for updates on which jurisdictions have approved the course for CLE credit. General questions or additional information regarding CLE credit can be directed to CLE@ndaajustice.org.
Additional Questions
Please contact National Traffic Law Center, Senior Attorney, M. Kimberly Brown.
2023 Course Approved CLE States: Investigation and Prosecution of Drug-Impaired Driving Cases
For any questions or the course activity number, please contact CLE@ndaajustice.org
Alabama – 3.00 CLE Credits
California – 3Pending state approval
Colorado – 4.00 CLE Credits
Delaware – 1.00 CLE Credit
Florida – Pending state approval
Georgia – 3.00 CLE Credits
Hawaii – 3.00 CLE Credits
Idaho – 3.00 CLE Credits
Indiana – 3.00 CLE Credits
Iowa – 3.00 CLE Credits
Kansas – 3.00 CLE Credits
Kentucky – 3.00 CLE Credits
Louisiana – 3.00 CLE Credits
Maine – 3.00 CLE Credits
Minnesota – 3.00 CLE Credits
Mississippi – 3.00 CLE Credits
Montana – 3.00 CLE Credits
Nebraska – 3.00 CLE Credits
Nevada – 3.00 CLE Credits
New Jersey – 3.00 CLE Credits
New Mexico – 3.00 CLE Credits
North Carolina – 3.00 CLE Credits
Ohio – 3.00 CLE Credits
Oregon – 3.00 CLE Credits
Pennsylvania – 3.00 CLE Credits
South Carolina – 3.00 CLE Credits
Tennessee – 3.00 CLE Credits
Texas – 3.00 CLE Credits
Utah – Pending state approval
Vermont – 3.00 CLE Credits
Virginia – 3.00 CLE Credits
Washington – Pending state approval
West Virginia – 3.60 CLE Credits
Wyoming – 3.00 CLE Credits