Human Trafficking and the Impact on Commercial Driver’s Licenses
Recorded On: 07/16/2020
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On-Demand Webinar: Human Trafficking and the Impact on Commercial Driver’s Licenses
60-minute presentation
Cost: Free
The National Traffic Law Center (NTLC) has created an education tool for prosecutors, law enforcement and other traffic safety professionals titled: “Human Trafficking and the Impact on Commercial Driver’s Licenses.” This on demand training module is designed to educate about the Federal “No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act” (NHTRA) which was signed into law on January 1, 2018 by President Donald J. Trump. As a result of NHTRA, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced a final rule that imposes a lifetime ban on drivers who are convicted of a severe form of human trafficking in a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) from operating a CMV. This rule was signed into law on July 23, 2019. Under this rule, states have until September 23, 2022 to comply with this mandate. FMCSA allowed a three-year period to permit states sufficient time to seek legislation, update their regulations, and make the appropriate information technology changes to apply the lifetime ban.
Human Trafficking and the Impact on Commercial Driver’s Licenses is designed to be presented as a stand-alone training, or an individual module to be added to existing trainings. The Participant Guide is available for online course attendees to follow along with the webinar. If you are interested in adapting this course for teaching in your own jurisdiction, follow the Instructor Guide below.
Training Course topics include:
- Trafficking and CDL Holders
- Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)
- Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA)
- Types of trafficking defined
- License ramifications
- State adoptions of 49 U.S.C. 31310 (d)(2)
- Victim Identification
- Investigation
- Law Enforcement
- Trafficking Indicators
- Prosecuting the Case
- Victim and Witness Preparation
- Evidence Presentation
- Discussion Points
Instructor Guide
Human Trafficking and the Impact on Commercial Driver’s Licenses is designed to be presented as a stand-alone training, or an individual module to be added to existing trainings. If you are interested in adapting this course for teaching in your own jurisdiction, contact Staff Attorney, Bella Truong, to obtain a free customizable copy of the course materials, including the course PowerPoint, Instructor and Participant Guides.
NDAA did not apply for CLE credits for this pre-recorded course. Attendees must self-submit this course for CLE approval in their home state. All attorneys are responsible for any fees associated with CLE filing. Attorneys seeking CLE credit should contact their state bar associations for more information. General questions or additional information regarding CLE credit can be directed to CLE@ndaajustice.org.

Jim Camp
Senior Attorney
National District Attorneys Association
Jim Camp is a Senior Attorney with the National Traffic Law Center, focusing on Commercial Driver’s License related topics.
A nationally recognized authority on traffic safety, CDL Masking, trial advocacy, law enforcement and prosecution issues, he is an in demand motivational and subject matter expert speaker having practiced law for more than 40 years most of it as a trial lawyer. Born and raised in East Central Wisconsin, Jim was elected to 9 terms as District Attorney there, and 9 years as Assistant District Attorney General and Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor in Tennessee. While TSRP in Tennessee Jim’s office was at the Tennessee Highway Patrol Training Center where he taught in-service and cadet school classes and acted as a liaison with the Highway Patrol. He was also one of the charter founders and instructors of the Tennessee District Attorney General’s Trial Advocacy School held yearly at the University of Memphis Law School. Jim has authored numerous articles on impaired driving, CDL masking and trial advocacy. Over twenty-five thousand have heard him speak.
Jim is a recipient of the Tennessee Governors Highway Safety Office Lifesavers Award, the Tennessee District Attorney Generals Conference President’s Award, and the Kevin E. Quinlan National Excellence in Traffic Safety Award. He is past board member of the Wisconsin Academy of Trial Lawyers, past board member and state president of the Tennessee Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Board of Directors and is currently a member of the MADD National Law Enforcement Committee.
He resides outside of Nashville, TN, is a lifelong drummer, enthusiastic guitar picker, a member of the Tenth Legion, proud father of two and is the world’s greatest grandpa to his four grandchildren.

Jim Camp
Senior Attorney with the National Traffic Law Center
National District Attorneys Association
JIM CAMP is a Senior Attorney with the National Traffic Law Center, focusing on Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) related topics.
A nationally recognized authority on traffic safety, CDL Masking, trial advocacy, law enforcement and prosecution issues, he is an in demand motivational and subject matter expert speaker having practiced law for more than 40 years most of it as a trial lawyer. Born and raised in East Central Wisconsin, Jim was elected to 9 terms as District Attorney there, and 9 years as Assistant District Attorney General and Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor in Tennessee. While TSRP in Tennessee Jim’s office was at the Tennessee Highway Patrol Training Center where he taught in-service and cadet school classes and acted as a liaison with the Highway Patrol. He was also one of the charter founders and instructors of the Tennessee District Attorney General’s Trial Advocacy School held yearly at the University of Memphis Law School. Jim has authored numerous articles on impaired driving, CDL masking and trial advocacy. Over twenty-five thousand have heard him speak.
Jim is a recipient of the Tennessee Governors Highway Safety Office Lifesavers Award, the Tennessee District Attorney Generals Conference President’s Award, and the Kevin E. Quinlan National Excellence in Traffic Safety Award. He is past board member of the Wisconsin Academy of Trial Lawyers, past board member and state president of the Tennessee Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Board of Directors and is currently a member of the MADD National Law Enforcement Committee.
He resides outside of Nashville, TN, is a lifelong drummer, enthusiastic guitar picker, a member of the Tenth Legion, proud father of two and is the world’s greatest grandpa to his four grandchildren.