Family Violence and Animal Cruelty: Considerations for District Attorneys

Recorded On: 01/18/2024


On-Demand Webinar: Family Violence and Animal Cruelty: Considerations for District Attorneys

90 minutes

There is a significant relationship between animal cruelty and other violence, including organized crime, human trafficking, gangs, and intimate partner/child abuse. Largely because of this link, acts of animal abuse are now tracked alongside felony crimes like arson, assault, and homicide in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s criminal database.  Join Erin Aiello, an Assistant District Attorney in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a Law Enforcement Trainer with the Humane Society of the United States, as she focuses on interpersonal violence prosecutions and reviews unique considerations in animal abuse cases and strategies for a multidisciplinary approach to help keep people and their pets safe.


Members: $100

Non-Members: $125

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NDAA’s mission to serve and support prosecutors and their staff. In consideration of this commitment, NDAA requires that all those in attendance of our programs currently work in or work closely with prosecution: NDAA invites prosecutors, law enforcement officers, investigators, lawyers and paralegals in local, state, tribal, federal and military government attorneys’ offices. If you are not sure about your eligibility, please contact


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Erin Aiello

Law Enforcement Trainer

Humane Society of the United States

Erin Aiello is a Law Enforcement Trainer with the Humane Society of the United States and has been an assistant district attorney in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for more than thirteen years. Working for three different district attorney offices, she has had the opportunity to serve both urban and rural communities. Officially, her primary caseload is and has been the prosecution of abuse related crimes such as child abuse, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence. Unofficially, Erin has been her own one-person animal cruelty unit in every office she has joined. In between offices, Erin spent time in private practice where she worked on family law, civil litigation and criminal defense. Currently, Erin works in the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Unit in the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office, where she focuses primarily on the prosecution of high-risk domestic violence offenders. 

This course was originally recorded on January 18, 2024.

This course is approved for 1.5 credits in Illinois, Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. All other attorneys seeking self-study CLE credit should contact their state bar for more information.

Upon completion of your on-demand course, you will be required to complete a quiz before accessing a CLE Uniform Certificate of Attendance for the recording. If your state accepts self-study credits, you can submit this certificate directly to your state bar. In states that have pre-approved this course, NDAA will submit attendance.

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Family Violence and Animal Cruelty: Considerations for District Attorneys
Recorded 01/18/2024  |  90 minutes
Recorded 01/18/2024  |  90 minutes
4 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  3/4 points to pass
4 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  3/4 points to pass
9 Questions
9 Questions We invite you to participate in a quick evaluation. Your responses will help us better serve your needs and improve our programs for all our members. Please note, you will not receive your CLE Uniform Certificate of Attendance Form until you have completed this survey.
CLE Certificate of Attendance
1.50 General credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 General credits  |  Certificate available