2022 CDL Conference FAQs

1. How do I register for the virtual 2022 CDL Conference?
Please note, the recommended browser to complete your registration is Google Chrome. To register follow these steps:

~After creating an account and/or logging in, click Register Now.
~Select Complete Registration Now or Add to Cart and Complete Registration Later to continue shopping and checkout via
~Enter your information and click Place My Order.
~Click Printable Receipt on the Registration Complete page to print your receipt. You can access course information and handouts from this page.

Guide on how to create a non member account

2.  How do I login to access the virtual 2022 CDL Conference?
If you are a NDAA member, use your NDAA membership username and password which are the login credentials for ndaa.site-ym.com. If you don't know your NDAA membership login information, contact cjan@ndaajustice.org. Or use the login information you created when registering for this conference. 

3. Will the conference be recorded and later distributed to attendees?
Yes. Sessions will be recorded and uploaded to our ndaa.org website a couple weeks after the conference. 

4. I enrolled in the virtual 2022 CDL Conference. Where do I go to access it?
All the courses you are enrolled in are listed under the Dashboard link on the blue menu bar. You must be logged in for this menu item to be visible. 

5. Will NDAA by applying for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) for the virtual 2022 CDL Conference?
Yes. NDAA has applied to Illinois, Kansas, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Attendees whose state was not mentioned is able to self-submit this course for approval in their home state. All attorneys are responsible for any fees associated with CLE filing. Attorneys seeking CLE credit should contact their state bar associations for more information. Following the completion of the course evaluation, attendees will be able to download their CLE Certificate or Certificate of Attendance. General questions or additional information regarding CLE credit can be directed to Senior Project Coordinator Courtney Jan at cjan@ndaajustice.org 

6. How can I access my certificate of attendance?
Once you have completed the conference, you may download and print your certificate of attendance by going to the course and clicking on the "Certificate" button. 

7. Can I register someone else on this platform?
You may only register yourself for the conference through NDAA's eLearning platform. Each attendee must have their own login information. 

8. Can I cancel my registration for the virtual 2022 CDL Conference?
Yes, please email ndaa@commpartners.com if you would like to cancel your registration. 

9. What are the system requirements for accessing a webinar throughout the virtual 2022 CDL Conference?
All users must access each conference session from an up-to-date web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge) that supports HTML 5. 

10. Will conference handouts be made available to all attendees? How do I access them? 
Yes. All materials will be available underneath the “Resources” tab of the conference website. 

11. How much does it cost to attend the 2022 CDL Conference? 
There is no registration fee for this course.

Additional Questions?
Contact Jim Camp, Aaron Ann Cole-Funfsinn or Courtney Jan with the National Traffic Law Center

Offered from 12 noon - 5 pm EDT for participants.  
